
Nail Disorders

Melanonychia - Longitudinal Melanonychia -
Melanonychia Striata And Treatment of Melanonychia

Longitudinal melanonychia is the presence of a pigmented stripe, usually brown or black, along the length of the nail bed in darker-skinned individuals. Melanonychia longitudinal results from deposition of melanin in the nail plate from a variety of causes. A small number of people with longitudinal melanonychia have subungual melanoma.

Melanonychia along with scleroderma is rare. This is paradoxical because increased pigmentation of the skin is often in the second disease.

A number of conditions, longitudinal melanonychia, but the main importance is that in some patients, it may indicate the presence of a malignant melanoma subungual. Hyperpigmented nail bands are not uncommon in African-American, Latino and Asian patients, particularly those aged over sixty years, and are often multiple in these groups. Longitudinal melanonychia is most worrisome when there is a lonely, dark, broad longitudinal band with pigment over the proximal nail fold (Hutchinson's sign). Such findings are considered a strong indication for the biopsy of the nail matrix to exclude melanoma.
The symptoms of Melanonychia

Some common symptoms of Melanonychia are: -

      * discoloration of the nail may occur.
      * yellowing, thickening agents or crumbling of the nail.
      * Pain may occur in the nail.

The treatment of longitudinal Melanonychia

In the treatment of Melanonychia (Longitudinal Melanonychia), hyperpigmentation of the skin and nails by chemotherapy is reversible and is most commonly seen with drugs such as doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide and hydroxyurea induced. Patients should be educated about the use of appropriate footwear, especially in high-exposure areas such as communal bathing facilities and fitness clubs. Prophylactic antifungal therapy may be required to prevent re-infection of the skin and nails

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